I've Been Playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
November 4, 2024
Recently, I've found myself in a Dragon Ball mood and instead of playing Sparking Zero like everyone else because I am a broke boy with a PS4 and a low-spec laptop, I decided to play Xenoverse 2 instead which I've had for years as a gift but never really played.
I'm enjoying my time with the game so far. Never really thought about it since most IPs don't do it but the idea of having your own OC to learn all of the stuff from the anime is actually really cool. I made an Earthling and was going for a sort of Kaioken melee build but then I unlocked Ultra Instinct and might roll with that until I get more stuff to reliably do Kaioken x20 (it needs 5 bars of ki and I only have... 5 and a half. Alongside it draining stamina like crazy.) Though I guess I could use UI as my transformation with the supers that put you in Kaioken for them.
Honestly, I don't really have much to say other than it feels like the kind of game I needed right now where I can just fuck around after (trying to) play games that require me to think a lot. Not that this game is mindless but more that I can get away with just flailing about right now.
As of me writing this, I've only done up to the Frieza Saga in terms of main story. Which doesn't sound like a lot (and in terms of the story, it isn't) but I've been doing most of the side content inbetween chapters, which there is a lot of and has been taking up most of my playtime.
Current loop is to do the available instructors/rift events (except Guru's House which I'm saving for later on) then do the next story section to unlock more stuff. It doesn't seem like there's a lot of story content since the game said I was around 40% done now so I'll probably be done with that soon. That being said, I have none of the DLC for this 8 year old game that still gets updates somehow and don't feel like forking $20~ for one of the many DLC packs so it'll probably just be the base game for me unless they go on sale for cheap.