The 5th Walpurgis Night Experience
January 11, 2015
Walpurgis Night is upon us. Even though these are smaller events in the grand scheme of things, I always look forward to these just to not only have something to do that isn't the daily MD run but also have something new to roll on. And roll, I did. I decided I was going to record my rolls even and show them off because I thought it'd be fun.
Yes, the video abruptly cuts the moment Heathcliff's text appears on screen. That wasn't me stopping the recording. My video drivers suddenly crashed, breaking both both the game and OBS and I had to force close them. It's honestly a miracle the reocrding ended up unaffected. My laptop's specs are low for modern standards so I imgaine both running the game and recording with OBS for too long eventually crapped the driver. I'm gonna mess with the settings next time I try something like this. Maybe lower the output resolution or something.

But I got him. I got both the IDs and the E.G.O in only 120 rolls. Not bad. I did want the Full-Stop announcer but I'll take what I can get.
But onto the event. I actually got thrown off when they said that Walpurgis was happening every few days or so in universe. I didn't stop to think about it but I guess things have been going fast since Canto VI. So it creates scenarios for us to follow based on what happened instead of having us properly experience what happened... Hmm... Makes me wonder what this means for the future. It feels like they're planning something more with Walpurgis story-wise.
I know this is based on the Full-Stop reception and all but I didn't expect to actually see Eileen and epsecially not Argalia with the above info in mind. And speaking of Eileen, it felt really uncanny seeing her face. I actually forgot that you could see it through the veil initially because I think it's only in that one scene in Ruina. I'm so used to the veil just covering it completely.
The event stage itself was... whatever. Not really a fan of these "kill x amount of enemies in y turns" stages. At the very least, it gave me a chance to try out the new stuff since Easy bumps your stuff to Lv50/UT3 so I got to mess around with Hong Lu and Heathcliff while trying to do the missions. I kept getting stuck at 29/30 enemies for a bit until my friend suggested that I put Magic Bullet Outis on slot 1 since she could spam her S3 and clear everything fast and sure enough, I got the 30/30 this time and it was all thanks to...

...Manager Don, who proceeded to kill everyone before Outis could even do anything because she would roll 3-4 speed every turn.
But with this in mind, I managed to get all of the enemies in Hard first try with a pseudo-Bleed team with Wild Hunt Heathcliff and Solemn Lament Yi Sang tagging along while Ring Outis occasionally fires her Magic Bullet E.G.O. And then I sweapped to a Poise setup to get the critical damage mission, but...

This last mission is out of my hands. I don't have Magic Bullet, the ID, leveled to use on Hard and the E.G.O doesn't do enough damage to kill them all. My only other 7 attack weight options are Binds, which are Blunt, and I think Contempt, Awe if I Threadspun it but I'd need to Threadspin it to begin with and it's also Slash. I could probably do it with more dedicated setup but I'm fine with missing out on 5 crates and a profile cosmetic that I'm not going to use.
Addendum 1/15/2025: I'm full of shit apparently.

I leveled the ID since I decided that I was going to focus on Burn right now and figured I'd give this mission another try and finally got it after a bit of planning. I'm finally free.
But it was a fun little distraction from the monotony of Mirror Dungeon. Always fun seeing more Ruina stuff pop up. Especially Smoke, which transferred 1 to 1 from Ruina onto the enemies. Wonder if that opens the doors for Smoke IDs in the future... Probably not, but I can dream.