Refraction Railway 5 Cleared

March 2, 2025

I had to do this eventually.

I was putting it off because I wasn't in the mood at the time. But now my Plus ran out and I'm not really playing anything now so may as well. This railway's gimmick is neat on paper but I can't help but feel like they give you some really strong buffs while the downsides didn't really offset it.

Like by the final boss, I'm virtually unkillable and it was doing single digit damage while whatever HP/defense buffs it had meant nothing since I took Nebulizer and the buff that boosted crit damage based on Poise so I was doing at least normal damage anyway.

There's definitely room for shaving turns. I didn't need to bring Blade Lineage Don to section 2 in hindsight since I took the Nebulizer buff and I cdould've saved turns on section 3 by not picking the boss choice to increase defense the first time. But I'm fine with just having less than 100 turns. This is really just a one and done mode for me, even with the potential replay value the buffs have.